We were tired of just being told to drink more coffee
we created a bedtime hot chocolate, that calms the mind, releases stress, and allows you to fall asleep faster. CocoaDreams was created to transform the way people unwind after long, stressful day, being that little bit of bliss you can enjoy 1 hour before bed. During my third year at university, my stress levels were at an all-time high.
Swarmed with deadlines and impending exams, I couldn’t sleep. I tried everything from sleeping tablets to melatonin gummies, taking 4 coffees a day but only compromising my sleep pattern. Paralysed by sleepiness, I went to find a solution. The problem was my stress levels were too high before bed. I was working too late into the night and couldn’t calm down before bed.
My brain would be racing, stuck in ‘fight or flight’ with no chance of relaxing. Naturally, I resorted to hot chocolate as part of my nightly routine as this was something I had done when I was little. One year later, CocoaDreams had been formulated to fill the void the sleep industry had. Stepping away from the harsh chemicals and melatonin that litters the sleep industry, CocoaDream’s can be enjoyed every nightbefore bed.
Blending adaptogens, nootropics, and natural botanicals, we’ve created a bedtime drink that helps people truly relax and enjoy restorative sleep. CocoaDreams balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems with ingredients such as Magnesium Bisglycinate and Ashwagandha.
Enjoy a full day full of energy and stress, free from the energy crash. No need for that fourth coffee! Join us on our mission as we dream of revolutionising your nightly routine…
Cheers to sweet dreams,